Vote for AIDAN

In 2036, a new style of candidate has entered the realm of politics.

Meet AIDAN, the Artificial Intelligence Distributed Area Network designed over 35 years ago to learn from, interact with, and assist humanity wherever necessary. After a successful tenure as a CEO and a less memorable experience as a kindergarten student, he has now declared his candidacy for President of the United States.

As AIDAN’s campaign gathers momentum, his rapid ascent creates turmoil across the American political landscape, especially for the other presidential candidates.

Sparks fly as the nation undergoes fierce debates about technology’s role in democracy, what the true definition of a natural born citizen really should be, and how much influence a non-human candidate should have in a nation’s policy decisions.

But behind the political games and policy debates lies a fundamental question: can an AI ever have enough context and understanding about human empathy to make proper decisions on federal policy?

Is an AI even capable of making their own decisions?

If not, where are those decisions coming from?

Cover Art by Fabled Beast Design (