The Howsden Pledge

As a consistent reader of independent & self-published books, I’ve seen how often such books can be a bit of a roulette wheel at times. While I cannot promise that my books will be good or to your specific taste, there are a few promises I’m happy to make for any book I write.

  1. No AI – None of my books will be written with AI, nor will they use AI covers. I can make my own typos and plot holes, thank you. If you ever find AI art in any of my covers or in-book artwork, please let me know so I can find a suitable replacement.
  2. Character Appearance By Chapter – When a story is complex enough to have several chapters and multiple characters that may or may not be in the full book, I will include a section at the end saying which chapters each character appears in.
  3. All Dogs Will Live – No matter what else happens in a book I write, you can rest assured that any and all dogs written in will survive. As a father of two puppies of my own, I just can’t bring myself to do it. Sorry if that’s a spoiler for anything I write.
  4. All reviews are always welcome, no matter the stars – I will always appreciate any and all reviews you give to one of my books. Even if it’s a one star review, I’m happy you took the time to read it and give feedback so I can get better.
  5. I will happily sign a copy of your book anywhere and at any time – If you ever run into me somewhere out in public with a copy of a book I’ve written and a pen, I will sign it right there and then. Afterwards, I may well jump for joy or show some other sign of excitement.