Hi there! I’m Tanner Howsden and I look nothing like this. This is a stock photo I got while looking at WordPress templates of a man I’ve decided to call Paul. He does look pretty dapper and looks to be well read. Is he reading one of my books? Possibly! As for my own image, I have not yet taken an author photo, so Paul will have to do for now.
As for myself, I am an amateur author as well as a game developer and occasional actor. I’ve long been a fan of writing books, but until recently found myself somewhat stuck when trying to write. Between several stories as a kid and plenty of abandoned NaNoWriMo works, there’s a long catalog of stories that just never got done.
When I’m not writing, I’m either working in my day job as a software developer or hanging out with my wife and dogs on the east coast. I also might be playing videogames or reading.